A burning smell coming from your Roanoke, VA, home’s heater isn’t always an urgent problem. It can happen for some common reasons that aren’t a cause for concern. One of these four things could be causing your heater to smell like it’s burning.
1. Dust Buildup
If you smell a burning odor the first time you use your heater during the autumn or winter, dust accumulation is a likely cause. Dust can get into the combustion chamber or onto the coils. It can also get into the blower and ducts. The odor should go away after the dust has finished burning off, which could take a few heating cycles.
2. Dirty Filter
A faint smell of burning dust or hair could mean your heater has a dirty air filter. Turn the heater off, and check the filter. If it’s visibly dirty or more than three months old, replace it.
3. Electrical Problem
A burning electrical smell indicates a wiring problem with the heater. Missing or degraded insulation, a loose connection, or other damage to the wiring may cause this. Loose debris near the electrical components may get hot if it comes into contact with the wiring, and it’ll produce a burning electrical smell.
4. Overheated Parts
A smell of burning oil suggests that the heater’s motor is too hot. You may also smell an odor of gunpowder. This comes from an overheated circuit board or motor. If you notice either of these smells, it’s best to turn the heating system off and call for professional repairs. Continuing to operate an overheated heater could cause significant damage.
At Roanoke Mechanical Heating & Cooling, we’re the trusted provider of heating repairs in Roanoke. Homeowners also turn to us for reliable heating and cooling maintenance, repair, replacement, and installation services. We also offer traditional and tankless water heater services. If you’re a local business owner, you can count on our dependable light commercial heating and cooling services. To learn more about why your heater smells like it’s burning, call us at Roanoke Mechanical Heating & Cooling today.