An air conditioner can eventually freeze up due to several reasons. However, it’s usually a simple fix. Understanding the cause of the problem is important in helping you take care of this issue to ensure you and your family can stay comfortable. Here are a few of the most common reasons for an AC unit to freeze up.
1. Not Enough Refrigerant
One of the top reasons for air conditioner problems is low refrigerant levels. You may notice that your AC isn’t cooling as effectively due to frost in your system. However, this issue will often get worse over time because too much ice can negatively impact the airflow. The refrigerant will evaporate much faster than normal because not enough refrigerant will make it impossible to keep your house cool.
2. Damage to Blower Fan
The air conditioner’s blower fan is essential to creating a comfortable environment in your household. However, your blower fan can eventually break or become damaged over time. These problems with your blower fan can significantly alter the airflow within your system, and too much condensation can build up on the coils and cause the refrigerant line to freeze. Reaching out to a local HVAC company is always the best option for repairing your air conditioning system.
3. Lack of Airflow
Problems with airflow can also cause your air conditioner to freeze up. Checking and replacing your air filters every few months is a great way to stay proactive by maximizing airflow within your unit. Changing these filters will also improve the quality of air in your home. Inspecting each air vent in your house is also a good idea to ensure the air is easily flowing without any issues.
Roanoke Mechanical Heating & Cooling offers HVAC installation and repair work for customers in the Roanoke area. We also specialize in tankless water heaters, boilers, and light commercial services. Our employees have years of experience in the HVAC industry, and we’re always happy to provide you with the best services at a fair price. Give Roanoke Mechanical Heating & Cooling a call today to learn more about our HVAC services.