Should I Be Worried About Carbon Monoxide in My Home?

December 17, 2020

When taking care of your home and family in Roanoke, it’s important to understand which threats are overblown and which threats are truly worth worrying about. At Roanoke Mechanical Heating & Cooling, we want you to know that although carbon monoxide is a threat that you should be concerned about, it’s also one of the easiest threats to address. With the proper safety measures in place, you won’t need to worry about carbon monoxide in your home. Some Information About Carbon Monoxide In a perfect world, carbon monoxide would never be created in your home. That’s because the ideal byproduct

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How Air Pollution Poses Largest Threat to Children

September 18, 2020

Children spend more time indoors these days than ever before, and there are many reasons why. Unsafe neighborhoods, unhealthy outdoor air, remote or virtual learning and preference for videos and video games over outdoor activities are a few. You might be surprised to know that your Roanoake, VA, home’s air could be up to five times more polluted than the outdoor air. Read on to learn three ways polluted air affects your child’s health. 1. Worse Asthma Symptoms Researchers have found that children who have asthma and are exposed to high levels of indoor or outdoor

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5 Common Household Products That Pollute Your Home’s Air

July 15, 2020

Keeping the air inside of your home free of pollutants is essential to maintaining a healthy environment for you and your family. However, indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air. Understanding the various household products that create pollution is critical for maximizing the quality of your indoor air. Here are five common household products that will pollute your home’s air. 1. Air Fresheners The use of air fresheners can have an adverse effect on your indoor air quality. Some air fresheners contain over 100 chemicals. These air fresheners are especially

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What Are The Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants?

May 13, 2020

Ideally, your home will be full of clean air that is easy to breathe. However, it is not uncommon for dust particles or other impurities to get into that air and make your home less comfortable than it should be. Let’s take a look at a few pollutants that you may deal with on a regular basis. Pollen Pollen can enter your home through an open window or through other spaces where air may be able to leak inside of your house. It can also attach itself to your clothes, shoes or anything else

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